FOMO is out, FOSQ is in: What is the ‘Fear of the Status Quo’?

fosq Fear of the Status Quo

Source: Adobe Stock

No doubt you are familiar with FOMO: Fear of Missing Out. Along with discounting, it is probably one of the most used marketing techniques. Overused, you could say. Which is why I want to talk about another approach you should consider: Fear of the Status Quo (FOSQ).

Fear of Missing Out

Before we get to Fear of the Status Quo, let’s recap FOMO and why it works.

FOMO techniques can include:

  • Limiting the supply of something, for example, free shipping for the first 100 customers only or a limit of five items per customer.
  • Limiting time by using a deadline to drive urgency to act.
  • Limiting access to certain types of customers, such as creating exclusive VIP offers that not everyone can enjoy, and
  • Limiting opportunity.