Odd Spots: A $92k emoji, robotaxi wars and the nonagenarian who has never had a day off work

Odd Spots

As a SmartCompany regular you know we exist to serve Australian SMEs and entrepreneurs, so most of our coverage is focused within the borders of this fantastic continent.

Obviously we’re pretty obsessive about the world of business and work globally, bringing you news of relevant developments wherever possible.

Sadly we can’t cover everything, and in particular the quirky stuff often – regretfully but necessarily – gets put to one side while we focus on the news that matters most.

So instead, here’s a wrap of all the fun stuff we spotted this week. And of course, if you spot funny/quirky/stuff we’d love you to share with us (email news@smartcompany.com.au).

If anyone reading has long memories, the name for this wrap is a nod to the classic odd spot that used to run on the front page of The Age, we think until sometime in the nineties. 

Anyway, here’s some things that tickled our fancy this week… 

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos asking for followers
