Pitch Perfect: Phil Ore’s insights into success and pitfalls of startup pitches
Startups are born with grand plans in mind. Founders, though, can quickly find the path to success is less than straightforward. “Someone once said it's like a marathon where you sprint all the time, but I think it's more like Jumanji and you just land on a map and find some treasure at the end of it but try not to get eaten on the way,” says Phil Ore, 25eight Co-CEO and Chief Mentor.
How winning SXSW Sydney Pitch could help NanoCube Health bring its tiny technology to a global audience
Startup success begins with an idea, but that’s not where it ends. For Melbourne-based medtech startup NanoCube Health, the idea is both miniscule and, potentially, massively life-changing — using nanorobots to diagnose and treat pancreatic cancer.
Expert advice for pitching your startup
Thinking about applying for The Pitch, our early-stage startup competition? If you really want to stand out, our recent webinar — in partnership with Dell For Startups — shared expert tips and valuable insights from past winners and finalists.
APPLICATIONS CLOSED: The Pitch September 2024
Are you ready to pitch to a panel of leading VCs and startup founders? Applications to the Pitch are now open.
Webinar: How to pitch your startup
In our webinar, in partnership with Dell Technologies Dell For Startups program, our panel will discuss how the perfect pitch can help your startup to stand out in front of VCs, and share their expert tips on getting to the next level.