New eligibility test, updated rules for SMEs in revamped Export Market Development Grant scheme

export-grant Export Market Development Grant

Source: Unsplash/Paul Teysen.

The federal government’s latest Export Market Development Grants (EDMG) round will open to small businesses in November, and Trade Minister Don Farrell is urging SMEs to understand the new-look eligibility criteria ahead of time.

The popular and long-running EDMG scheme provides matched funding to small Australian businesses looking to export products or services for the first time, expand an existing export opportunity, or add new markets to their existing export business.

More than 9,600 businesses have received EDMG grants over its last three rounds, with approximately 60% of those counting between two and nine employees.

But after a government review identified uncertainty among applicants and declining grant valuations over recent funding rounds, Minister Farrell committed to overhauling the scheme for Round 4.