Electric vehicle price war turns Port of Melbourne into a ‘Tesla graveyard’

Tesla EV electric vehicle electric cars

Teslas pictured sitting idle at ports around the country. Source: 7News

Some have called it the Tesla graveyard — hundreds of new electric cars parked at the Port of Melbourne, awaiting owners.

Critics argue the scene is a sign that Australia’s soaring electric vehicle sales have finally hit a speed bump and are slowing as they have done in other nations.

But industry experts and a report into the global market paint a different picture.

Rather than a graveyard at Australia’s ports, they say the scenes prove Australia is finally becoming a bigger player in the global market for low-emission transport.

They also say Australian drivers are set to benefit from a price war as brands battle for a larger share of the market, and Australia becomes a key target for Chinese automakers facing tariffs in other parts of the world.