Right to disconnect: How SMEs can prepare now to avoid headaches down the road

right to disconnect smes

Matt Loop for Rippling. Source: Supplied.

Whenever new corporate laws come into force, SME owners and leaders have to think especially hard about how this will affect their businesses. The right to disconnect, which mandates employees have the right to avoid work communications outside their regular hours, is no different. The policy will come with its own set of unique challenges for SMEs. 

As the Closing Loopholes No.2 Act is set to come into effect on August 26, 2024, businesses across Australia will be scrambling to prepare over the next two months. The good news for SMEs with less than 15 employees is that the legislation will come into effect next year in August 2025. 

While one year might still feel a while away, SMEs of all sizes should start preparing now to avoid a compliance headache down the line.