Now is not the time to put the brakes on workplace learning

workplace learning reading books

Source: Unsplash/kimberly farmer.

This year’s biggest workplace trend was mass redundancies (aka The Great Resignation), and if your business avoided it, you’re in the lucky minority.

Businesses spent most of 2022 plugging their leaky talent pipelines with expensive new hires, trying to fit their employee experience into a new world of work, and adapting to a seismic shift in power dynamics between employer and employee. All while battling the ongoing threat of widespread burnout and a looming recession.

No pressure then.

The case for learning

One of the first budget lines to get the squeeze when times are tight is professional development.

According to the latest Workplace Intelligence Upskilling Study, 74% of millennial and gen Z employees report that they’d be likely to quit within the next year due to a lack of skills development opportunities.
