Five burning issues that business owners are (always) dealing with

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Source: Adobe/Monkey Business

Five emerging issues that small business owners are struggling with right now?

That’s what I asked ChatGPT.

The unsurprising result?

It came back with issues that are NOT in fact emerging. They’re not new. They are not of this time, specifically.

And that’s because not as much changes as we think. The fundamentals of running a business stay the same.

The five issues ChatGPT listed are:

  1. Financial management: managing cash flow and budget
  2. Future planning: being able to plan for tomorrow while managing today
  3. Economic shifts and inflation: being vulnerable to conditions
  4. Employee communication: maintaining open and constructive communication
  5. Staff retention: keeping your best people.

Here’s the interesting thing, though.

Managing each of those five issues is complex, frustrating, challenging, rewarding, confusing, exciting, exhausting and enriching.

But they’re not sexy.