Why startup founder Lucy Wark argues you shouldn’t bring your whole self to work

SXSW panel Lucy Wark Jessy Wu Christina Hobbs

Source: Private Media

Lucy Wark is comfortable talking about sex. Being the founder of Normal — an Australian sex toy retailer that focuses on inclusivity and education — this isn’t surprising. Challenging the norm, being open and ‘authentic’ is par for the sextech course.

Taking the stage at SXSW Sydney this week, Wark announced the launch of her new startup Fuzzy, an online learning portal that offers courses and tools to help navigate your career, from negotiating job offers and raises to stakeholder and project management.

Listening to Wark, it was clear Fuzzy was born, at least in part, from the inequity that is rampant when it comes to careers, especially in the startup and tech spheres.