Monday October 19 marks the beginning of the eighth Open Access (OA) week, a global event to highlight all things open access. …
Kyle and Jackie O did it. But how far do you have to go to ensure social media is covered in your trademark? Kyle and Jackie O managed to…
Leaked documents from the negotiations of one of the world’s most secretive free trade agreements show Australian businesses could soon …
The founder of Victorian company FreshBins has highlighted the importance of having a good patent attorney, after lamenting the lack of loca…
We purchased an established business recently and want to trademark the business name. The problem is that the same business name is u…
The vexed issue of getting legal help often comes down to two key questions for start-ups – when do you get it and can you afford it? Unfo…
A NSW online media start-up has been hit by legal action taken by a similarly named rival, New York-based firm The Business Insider, which c…
A new Federal Government-commissioned report has outlined six key initiatives to drive Australian innovation, including improving the way co…
Australian entrepreneurs are set to find it increasingly challenging to obtain a valid patent following the Intellectual Property Laws Amend…
Finally, the first phase of the extensions to Taskmaster Towers is complete, but the complaints from the employees just keep coming. F…
Businesses are continuing to experience problems and delays with the national Business Names Register, five months after its launch. T…