Are JB Hi-Fi’s record profits an anomaly or a trend?
Amid a storm of outrage over companies profiteering throughout Australia’s inflation crisis, JB Hi-Fi released its earnings results yesterday. In the last six months of 2022, the big electronics retailer did very nicely indeed.
Farmer wants a Wi-Fi: Zetifi lands $12 million in Series A for rural connectivity
Wagga Wagga connectivity startup Zetifi has raised $12 million in Series A funding led by Telstra and Graincorp to help roll out its Wi-Fi extension products to Aussie farmers.
Australian broadband speeds have got worse according to latest global report
The latest Ookla Speedtest Global Index report reveals that Australian broadband speeds have gotten worse compared to the rest of the world.
Medibank, Woolworths hacked as 2022 becomes Australia’s worst year for cyberattacks
The identity of nearly one in two Australians has been embroiled in several high-profile cybersecurity breaches spanning telecommunications, health and retail this year.
OAIC and ACMA investigate Optus breach, putting telco in line to pay billions in compensation
A leading technology and regulation lawyer says Optus is likely to feel more financial pain from being forced to compensate data breach victims than from fines available under the Privacy Act.
Law firms are circling a class action against Optus, and it could be the biggest ever in Australia
A settlement could well be worth billions, eclipsing the current record of $494 million paid to 10,000 victims of Victoria’s 2009 Black Saturday bushfires.
“An ad is not a strategy”: Federal government fury at Optus’s apology in weekend newspaper
Optus took out a full-page ad in the major newspapers on Saturday to apologise for the cyberattack and to encourage people to visit its website to learn more about suitable steps to protect themselves.
The Prime Minister wants Optus to pay for passport replacements
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese took to Parliament to state that the telco should pay for victims to obtain new passports.
CBA, Australia Post, Binance and more assure customers their data is safe after Optus breach
Some Australian businesses are taking the opportunity to remind customers of their own robust security systems in the wake of the Optus hack.
States start making licence renewals free for Optus hack victims
Australian states and territories have been scrambling to change their driver's licence renewal policies in the wake of the Optus hack.
Alleged Optus hacker deletes extortion threat after releasing what it claims are details of 10,000 customers
An account claiming to have hacked Optus has deleted its extortion threat and apologised, not long after releasing a data set it claimed belonged to 10,000 customers.
Optus hack victims charged for passport and licence number changes
As a result of the hack, many Optus customers have been keen to change their passports and licences as a safety measure, but it's not the easiest or cheapest process.