Franchisors and their advisers have reacted angrily to the recommendations from a South Australian parliamentary inquiry into the sector, cl…
Franchisors and their advisers have reacted angrily to the recommendations from a South Australian parliamentary inquiry into the sector, cl…
Two main trouble spots have been identified in the franchisor/franchisee relationship, reveals new research by Griffith University. A long t…
At around 2:30pm (AEST) the South Australian Parliament’s Economic and Finance Committee will table its report from an inquiry into franchis…
Jack Cowen’s company Competitive Foods has labelled a Western Australian inquiry into franchising a “failure” and has promised to cont…
Franchisee activists hoping for a new dawn in franchise regulation will be disappointed by the competition watchdog’s decision not to pros…
The competition watchdog has issued legal proceedings alleging unconscionable conduct against 170-store franchised telcommunications retaile…
The franchise industry’s peak body has won a month-long extension of time to raise funds to fight the Ketchell case in the High Court. As …
Amendments to the franchising code may aim to provide greater protection, but it is certainly causing confusion for franchisors. The …
The Franchise Council of Australia looks unlikely to receive any financial assistance from the competition watchdog or the Federal Governmen…
A franchisee group is calling for a federal parliamentary inquiry into all aspects of franchising.The call comes as the Franchise Council of…
The Franchise Council of Australia is attempting to raise money from franchisor members to fund a High Court appeal against a significant co…
Past franchisees have a lot to offer the system – and changes to the code’s disclosure provisions may be the positive filip the model need…